Apeirogon - Colum McCann

How do we continue living once we have lost our reason to live? Rami and Bassam live in the city of Jerusalem - but exist worlds apart, divided by an age-old conflict. And yet...
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How do we continue living once we have lost our reason to live? Rami and Bassam live in the city of Jerusalem - but exist worlds apart, divided by an age-old conflict. And yet...

Parametry produktu

Colum McCann
Počet stran
Rok vydání

Parametry produktu

Colum McCann
Počet stran
Rok vydání

Popis produktu

How do we continue living once we have lost our reason to live? Rami and Bassam live in the city of Jerusalem - but exist worlds apart, divided by an age-old conflict. And yet they have one thing in common. Both are fathers; both are fathers of daughters - and both daughters are now lost. When Rami and Bassam meet, and tell one another the story of their grief, the most unexpected thing of all happens: they become best of friends. And their stories become one story, a story with the power to heal - and the power to change the world.

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Do měsíce • 1 varianta49 Kč99 % • 33 755 recenzíDalší informace
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