Cote Maison Modern Country

Containing rarely seen images from the exclusive Côté Maison magazines, this sumptuous book brings together homes that exemplify the very best in contemporary country style –...
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Cote Maison Modern Country
Více než měsíc • 1 variantaDárekZdarma97 % • 15 426 recenzíDalší informace

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Containing rarely seen images from the exclusive Côté Maison magazines, this sumptuous book brings together homes that exemplify the very best in contemporary country style –...

Parametry produktu

Caroline Clifton-Mogg
Počet stran

Parametry produktu

Caroline Clifton-Mogg
Počet stran

Popis produktu

Containing rarely seen images from the exclusive Côté Maison magazines, this sumptuous book brings together homes that exemplify the very best in contemporary country style – perennially desirable and effortlessly attainable.

Country living has long been associated with a relaxed, informal way of life and a sense of tradition. This strong appreciation of rural traditions does not mean, however, that all country homes are relics of the past, set in decorative aspic. Contemporary solutions and innovative ideas work equally well when old spaces are given over to new uses, converted, renovated or

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