Knihy 1981
- KLAVÍRNÍ ŠKOLIČKA - Janžurová Zdena,Borová Milada
KLAVÍRNÍ ŠKOLIČKA - Janžurová Zdena,Borová Milada
- Zdena Janžurová
- české
- Schott Music
- 216
- 1981
- Schott Music
Klavírní školička pro děti 4-7 leté. Pedagogická publikace s metodickým návodem pro výuku předškolních a raně školnícch dětí na LŠU. Rozvíjení hudebnosti, základy notopisu a...
- Economics in One Lesson
Economics in One Lesson
- H Hazlitt
- anglické
- 218
- 1981
- Random House USA Inc
A million copy seller, Henry Hazlitt’s Economics in One Lesson is a classic economic primer. But it is also much more, having become a fundamental influence on modern...
- Leaves of Grass
Leaves of Grass
- Walt Whitman
- anglické
- Penguin Books
- 145
- 1981
- Penguin Books
"I am large, I contain multitudes" A Penguin Classic When Walt Whitman self-published his Leaves of Grass in July 1855, he altered the course of literary history. One of the...
- The Jungle - Upton Sinclair
The Jungle - Upton Sinclair
- Upton Sinclair
- anglické
- 400
- 1981
- Random House LCC US
In this powerful book we enter the world of Jurgis Rudkus, a young Lithuanian immigrant who arrives in America fired with dreams of wealth, freedom, and opportunity. And we...
- Socialism - L. Von Mises
Socialism - L. Von Mises
- Mises, Ludwig Von
- 596
- 1981
- Liberty Fund Inc
More than thirty years ago F. A. Hayek said of Socialism: "It was a work on political economy in the tradition of the great moral philosophers, a Montesquieu or Adam Smith,...
- Metaphors We Live by - G. Lakoff, M. Johnson
Metaphors We Live by - G. Lakoff, M. Johnson
- George Lakoff
- anglické
- 242
- 1981
- The University of Chicago Press
People use metaphors every time they speak. Some of those metaphors are literary - devices for making thoughts more vivid or entertaining. But most are much more basic than...
- The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Yellow Wallpaper - Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- Charlotte Perkins Gilman
- anglické
- 64
- 1981
- Little, Brown Book Group
Charlotte Perkins Gilman wrenched this small literary masterpiece from her own experience. Narrated with superb psychological skill and dramatic precision, it tells the story...
- Becoming a Writer
Becoming a Writer
- Dorothea Brande
- anglické
- 192
- 1981
- Tarcher/Putnam,US
A reissue of a classic work published in 1934 on writing and the creative process, Becoming a Writer recaptures the excitement of Dorothea Brande's creative writing classroom...
- Disturbing The Universe
Disturbing The Universe
- Dyson, Freeman
- anglické
- 304
- 1981
- Basic Books
Spanning the years from World War II, when he was a civilian statistician in the operations research section of the Royal Air Force Bomber Command, through his studies with...
- Eisenhowers Lieutenants
Eisenhowers Lieutenants
- Weigley, Russell F
- anglické
- 832
- 1981
- Indiana University Press
"The publication of Eisenhower's Lieutenants is an event of significance in American military writing...Admirable ...Clearly the product of exhaustive, painstaking research."...
- Millers Falls Co. 1887 Catalog
Millers Falls Co. 1887 Catalog
- Emil Pollak, Martyl Pollak
- anglické
- 72
- 1981
- Astragal Press
For 75 years Millers Falls was a leading tool manufacturer, particularly noted for its hand and breast drills. This fully illustrated early catalog contains these drills and...