Knihy „Charles Baudelaire“
- Květy zla a jiné básně - Charles Baudelaire
Květy zla a jiné básně - Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Baudelaire
- české
- 208
- 2024
- Opus
Stěžejní dílo francouzského básníka Charlese Baudelaira (1821–1867). Tento reprezentativní výbor, anotovaný a komentovaný překladatelem Jiřím Pelánem je snahou o novou...
- Samota uprostřed davu Charles Baudelaire a české umění | Kristýna Jirátová, Otto M. Urban, Jiří Pelán, Milena Slavická, Miloslav Topinka, Martin Jiroušek, Marek Škubal
Samota uprostřed davu Charles Baudelaire a české umění | Kristýna Jirátová, Otto M. Urban, Jiří Pelán, Milena Slavická, Miloslav Topinka, Martin Jiroušek, Marek Škubal
- Kristýna Jirátová
- české
- beletrie
- Arbor vitae societas
- 296
- 2022
Kniha Samota uprostřed davu. Charles Baudelaire a české umění vychází k básníkovu dvoustému výročí narození. V širokém záběru se věnuje se propojení Baudelairaa a jeho díla s...
- Kvety zla - Charles Baudelaire
Kvety zla - Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Baudelaire
- slovenské
- poezie
- Ikar SK
- 256
- 2023
Básnická zbierka Charlesa Baudelaira Kvety zla prvýkrát vychádza v slovenskom jazyku vo svojej celistvosti v skvelom preklade Jána Švantnera. V čase svojho vzniku vyvolala...
- The Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelaire
The Flowers of Evil - Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Baudelaire
- anglické
- beletrie
- 464
- 2008
- Oxford University Press
The Flowers of Evil, which T. S. Eliot called the greatest example of modern poetry in any language, shocked the literary world of nineteenth century France with its outspoken...
- Plameny v zrcadle
Plameny v zrcadle
- Zdeněk Hron
- české
- beletrie
- 104
- 2015
- Petrkov
Žánr básní v próze, pohybující se v krajně kultivované podobě na pomezí poezie, esejů, maxim i starých rytin, se u nás příliš nepěstoval. Pro připomínku mohou padnout jména...
- Paris Spleen, and La Fanfarlo - C. Baudelaire
Paris Spleen, and La Fanfarlo - C. Baudelaire
- Hackett Publishing Co, Inc
A collection of fifty prose poems provided with accurate translation that conveys the lyricism and nuance of the original French text. It includes an introductory essay,...
- Charles Baudelaire - Poezje
Charles Baudelaire - Poezje
- C&T
Jak bym cie kochal, Nocy! bez twych gwiazd miliona, Bo ich swiatlo to mowa stokroc powtorzona! A prozni, mroku szuka moja dusza smutna! Lecz, niestety, ciemnosci nawet sa jak...
- Les Fleurs Du Mal the Flowers of Evil Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
Les Fleurs Du Mal the Flowers of Evil Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
National Book Award Winner The complete text of Baudelaire's 1857 masterwork in French with an English translation by Richard
- The Flowers of Evil Baudelaire Charles P.Paperback
The Flowers of Evil Baudelaire Charles P.Paperback
The Flowers of Evil is translated by F. P. Sturm and W. J. Robertson, to include Three Additional Poems and Intimate Papers discovered after the author's death with opinions of...
- Artificial Paradises Baudelaire Charles P.Paperback
Artificial Paradises Baudelaire Charles P.Paperback
At the time of its release in 1860, Charles Baudelaires Artificial Paradises (Les Paradis Artificiels) met with immediate praise. One of the most important French symbolists,...
- The Flowers of Evil: Les Fleurs Du Mal Baudelaire Charles
The Flowers of Evil: Les Fleurs Du Mal Baudelaire Charles
- Aaron Poochigian
- anglické
- 352
- WW Norton & Co
A shocking, controversial work in its own time and the most influential book of poetry of the nineteenth century--"the greatest exemplar in modern poetry in any language" (T.S....
- Les Fleurs Du Mal the Flowers of Evil: The Award-Winning Translation Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
Les Fleurs Du Mal the Flowers of Evil: The Award-Winning Translation Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
- anglické
- 352
- David R. Godine Publisher Inc
Bilingual edition of the French masterpiece--with the definitive English
- Hashish, Wine, Opium Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
Hashish, Wine, Opium Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
- Théophile Gautier
- anglické
- Slovart
- 128
- 2019
- Alma Books Ltd
Čtyři díla v tomto svazku patří k prvním uměleckým popisům halucinogenních zážitků v evropské literatuře a dokumentují Gautierovu a Baudelairovu účast v Klubu vrahů, kteří se...
- Paris Spleen: Dual-Language Edition
Paris Spleen: Dual-Language Edition
- Charles Baudelaire
- anglické
- beletrie
- Slovart
- 256
- 2023
Set in a modern, urban Paris, the prose pieces in this volume constitute a further exploration of the terrain Baudelaire had covered in his verse masterpiece, The Flowers of...
- Flowers of Evil Baudelaire Charles
Flowers of Evil Baudelaire Charles
Seminal, inspired translations of one of the greatest poets of all time by Edna St. Vincent Millay and George Dillon, now available in a sleek new edition. It's no...
- Paris Spleen - Charles Baudelaire 1869
Paris Spleen - Charles Baudelaire 1869
- New Directions Publishing Corporation
Set in a modern, urban Paris, the prose pieces in this volume constitute a further exploration of the terrain Baudelaire had covered in his verse masterpiece, The Flowers of...
- Les Fleurs Du Mal - les Classiques Hachette - Charles Baudel...
Les Fleurs Du Mal - les Classiques Hachette - Charles Baudel...
- Charles Baudelaire
- francouzské
- Hach-Bel
- 285
- 1992
Les Fleurs du Mal, au travers d'une sélection d'environ soixante poemes, nous sont proposées a l'occasion d'une mise en images de Louis Joos. La "beauté pure" des vers...
- On Wine and Hashish - Charles Baudelaire - Hesperus
On Wine and Hashish - Charles Baudelaire - Hesperus
- Charles Baudelaire
- anglické
- poezie
- 92
- 2007
- Hesperus
Ve své básni popisuje vliv drogy na lidské tělo a účinky, které vyvolává.
- Painter of Modern Life – Charles Baudelaire
Painter of Modern Life – Charles Baudelaire
- Charles Baudelaire
- anglické
- 117
- Penguin Books Ltd
Explores beauty, fashion, dandyism, the purpose of art and the role of the artist. This book describes the painter who expresses most fully the drama of modern life.
- Baudelaire, Charles: Selected Poems Baudelaire Charles
Baudelaire, Charles: Selected Poems Baudelaire Charles
- Everyman
An exciting addition to Everyman's Library: a new series of small, handsome hardcover volumes devoted to the world's classic poets. Our books will have twice as many pages as...
- The Flowers of Evil: Les Fleurs Du Mal Baudelaire Charles P.Paperback
The Flowers of Evil: Les Fleurs Du Mal Baudelaire Charles P.Paperback
- Createspace Independent Publishing Platform
Originally published in 1857, "Les Fleurs du Mal" (English: The Flowers of Evil) is a volume of modernist poetry by Charles Baudelaire. The subject matter of these poems deals...
- The Flowers of Evil / Les Fleurs Du Mal: French and English Edition Translated by William Aggeler with an Introduction by Frank Pearce Sturm Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
The Flowers of Evil / Les Fleurs Du Mal: French and English Edition Translated by William Aggeler with an Introduction by Frank Pearce Sturm Baudelaire CharlesPaperback
Upon its original publication in 1857 Charles Baudelaires Les Fleurs du Mal or The Flowers of Evil was embroiled in controversy. Within a month of its publication the French...
- Complete Poems - C. Baudelaire
Complete Poems - C. Baudelaire
- Carcanet Press Ltd
Baudelaire was the father of modern poetry and this is the only complete edition of his poems in English.
- Selected Poems - C. Baudelaire
Selected Poems - C. Baudelaire
- Penguin Books
I have sought forgetful sleep in love; but love is nothing but a mattress of needles The poems of Charles Baudelaire are filled with explicit and unsettling imagery, depicting...