Knihy „Clarkson Jeremy“
- Jeremyho farma nejen zvířat - Než se vrátí krávy, 1. vydání - Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremyho farma nejen zvířat - Než se vrátí krávy, 1. vydání - Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- české
- beletrie
- Argo
- 232
- 2023
Pokračování vybraných sloupků slavného moderátora a novináře o jeho farmářských eskapádách, úspěších i prohrách. Dozvíme se, jak se nahánějí toulavé krávy, jak se dá nabourat...
- Jeremyho farma nejen zvířat - Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremyho farma nejen zvířat - Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- české
- beletrie
- Argo
- 224
- 2022
Vítejte na Clarksonově farmě. Už když se Jeremy proháněl po světě v drahých autech při natáčení pořadu Top Gear, toužil jezdit traktorem a vyorávat své vlastní brambory....
- Diddly Squat
Diddly Squat
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- Penguin Books
- 464
- 2022
- Penguin Books Ltd
Welcome to Clarkson's farm. It's an idyllic spot, offering picturesque views across the Cotswolds, bustling hedgerows, woodlands and natural springs. Jeremy always liked the...
- Opravdová sleva za 30 dní
- 1 z 11 obchodů
- Diddly Squat Home to Roost
Diddly Squat Home to Roost
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 195
- 2024
- Penguin Books
Welcome back to Clarkson's Farm.So, that went well ...The spring barley crop failed. Just like the oil seed rape. And the durum wheat. Then the oats turned the colour of a...
- The Top Gear Years - Jeremy Clarkson
The Top Gear Years - Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- Penguin Books
- 496
- 2013
- Penguin Books
We now know all about the world according to Clarkson. In a series of bestselling books, including How Hard Can It Be? and Round the Bend, Jeremy has revealed it to be a...
- Vím, že máš duši. Stroje, které milujeme
Vím, že máš duši. Stroje, které milujeme
- Jeremy Clarkson
- české
- naučné
- Dokořán
- 200
- 2013
Motoristický pořad Top Gear sleduje po celém světě asi 350 milionů diváků, momentálně běží i na českém kanálu Prima Cool. Za jeho mimořádnou popularitou stojí zejména hlavní...
- Diddly Squat: Til The Cows Come Home
Diddly Squat: Til The Cows Come Home
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- Penguin Books
- 217
- 2023
- Penguin Books
Welcome back to Clarkson's Farm.At the end of Jeremy's first year in the tractor's driving seat, Diddly Squat farm rewarded him with a profit of just GBP144. So, while he's the...
- Jeremy Clarkson Svět podle Clarksona
Jeremy Clarkson Svět podle Clarksona
- Jeremy Clarkson
- české
- beletrie
- Dokořán
- 248
- 2016
Stamiliony diváků po celém světě znají Jeremyho Clarksona jako obhroublého, chvástavého, hlučného, politicky nekorektního a smrtelně legračního moderátora bláznivého pořadu o...
- Ďábelská jízda - Jeremy Clarkson
Ďábelská jízda - Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- české
- beletrie
- Dokořán
- 376
- 2015
Knižně vychází už třetí sbírka automobilových recenzí, které Jeremy Clarkson píše týden co týden pro britské The Sunday Times. Jako obvykle si nebere žádné servítky. Opět se...
- Diddly Squat Pigs Might Fly
Diddly Squat Pigs Might Fly
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- The Book Service Ltd (Penguin)
- 192
- 2024
- Penguin Books Ltd
Get tucked in to a third bestselling helping of Clarkson's Farm from our favourite wellie-wearing wannabe farmer, Jeremy Clarkson'Brilliant . . . laugh-out-loud' Daily...
- Necháte mě domluvit? - Jeremy Clarkson
Necháte mě domluvit? - Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- české
- beletrie
- Argo
- 296
- 2019
Jako vždy frustrovaný, překvapený, pobavený, rozhořčený, kárající nebo vysmívající se, tento nejznámější novinář na světě přichází s novou knihou postřehů o současném světě....
- Clarkson Jeremy: Fakt chci tak moc? Kniha
Clarkson Jeremy: Fakt chci tak moc? Kniha
- Jeremy Clarkson
- české
- beletrie
- Argo
- 360
- 2016
Jeremy Clarkson, jedna z nejznámějších televizních osobností a bývalý moderátor motoristického pořadu Top Gear, jenž měl za jeho éry po světě stamiliony diváků, je velmi bystrý...
- Diddly Squat: 'Til The Cows Come Home
Diddly Squat: 'Til The Cows Come Home
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 217
- 2022
- Michael Joseph
Jeremy takes us back to another year of life as a gentleman farmer at Diddly Squat - what could possibly go wrong this time? Welcome back to Clarkson's farm. At the end of...
- Diddly Squat: Pigs Might Fly
Diddly Squat: Pigs Might Fly
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 173
- 2023
- Penguin Books
Another year on the Diddly Squat Farm and Jeremy is still knee-deep in mud and endless challenges. Welcome back to Clarkson's Farm. Since taking the wheel three years ago...
- Is It Really Too Much To Ask? The World According to Clarkson #5
Is It Really Too Much To Ask? The World According to Clarkson #5
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 464
- Penguin Books
Is It Really Too Much To Ask? is the fifth book in Jeremy Clarksons bestselling The World According to Clarkson series. Well, someones got to do it: in a world which simply...
- Clarkson on Cars - Jeremy Clarkson
Clarkson on Cars - Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 368
- Penguin Books
Jeremy Clarkson gets under the bonnet in "Clarkson on Cars"; a collection of his motoring journalism. Jeremy Clarkson has been driving cars, writing about them and occasionally...
- For Crying Out Loud
For Crying Out Loud
- Clarkson, J.
- anglické
- Penguin Books
- 352
- 2009
- Penguin Books
Jeremy Clarkson, shares his opinions on just about everything in For Crying Out Loud. The publication of The World According to Clarkson in 2004 launched a multi-million copy...
- As I Was Saying - Jeremy Clarkson
As I Was Saying - Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- Penguin Books
- 329
- 2021
- Penguin Books
ISBN: 9781405924177 Jeremy Clarkson Penguin Books As I Was the seventh book in Jeremy Clarkson's best-selling The World According to Clarkson series. Crikey, the...
- And Another Thing #2
And Another Thing #2
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 352
- Penguin Books
In "And Another Thing"...the outspoken and outrageous presenter Jeremy Clarkson, shares his opinions on just about everything. Jeremy Clarkson finds the world such a perplexing...
- World According to Clarkson
World According to Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 352
- Penguin Books
Jeremy Clarkson shares his opinions on just about everything in The World According to Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson has seen rather more of the world than most. He has, as they...
- Born to be Riled
Born to be Riled
- Penguin Books
"Born to be Riled" is a collection of hilarious vintage journalism from Jeremy Clarkson. Jeremy Clarkson, it has to said, sometimes finds the world a maddening place. And...
- What Could Possibly Go Wrong... - Jeremy Clarkson
What Could Possibly Go Wrong... - Jeremy Clarkson
- Penguin Books
What Could Possibly Go the sixth book in Jeremy Clarkson's bestselling The World According to Clarkson series. No one writes about cars like Jeremy Clarkson. While...
- Round the bend
Round the bend
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 432
- Jeremy Clarkson
Jeremy Clarkson gets really riled in Round the Bend. Whats it like to drive a car thats actively trying to kill you? This and many other burning questions trouble Jeremy...
- Driven to Distraction Jeremy Clarkson
Driven to Distraction Jeremy Clarkson
- Jeremy Clarkson
- anglické
- 480
- Penguin Books
Jeremy Clarkson is once more Driven to Distraction. Brace yourself. Clarkson's back. And he'd like to tell you what he thinks about some of the most awe-inspiring,...