Knihy „Thurber James“
- Fables for Our Time - J. Thurber
Fables for Our Time - J. Thurber
- Harper Collins Publishers
These tiny stories, in which a wide variety of animals show us humans how we really are, are completely uproarious. --The Saturday Review of Literature James Thurber has been...
- James Thurber: Writings & Drawings Including the Secret Life of Walter Mitty Thurber James
James Thurber: Writings & Drawings Including the Secret Life of Walter Mitty Thurber James
- Library of America
The library of America is dedicated to publishing America's best and most significant writing in handsome, enduring volumes, featuring authoritative texts. Hailed as the...
- Třináctery hodiny - Thurber, James,Born, Adolf, Pevná vazba vázaná
Třináctery hodiny - Thurber, James,Born, Adolf, Pevná vazba vázaná
- Thurber, James,Born, Adolf
- české
- dětské
- Paseka
ISBN: 9788071858898 James Thurber Paseka únor 2008 Pohádky známého amerického prozaika Jamese Thurbera si pro jejich originální příběhy, jazykovou vynalézavost a hravost i...
- Filozof a ústřice
Filozof a ústřice
- Odeon
Americký humorista a satirik James Thurber (1894 — 1961) je pokračovatelem tradice, kterou proslavil Mark Twain a na filmovém plátně k ní přispíval Charlie Chaplin. Jeho bajky...
- The 13 Clocks: Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition
The 13 Clocks: Penguin Classics Deluxe Edition
- Penguin Books
A giant of American humor makes his Penguin Classics debut with probably the best book in the world (Neil Gaiman, from the Introduction), in a stunning Deluxe Edition featuring...