Something Wicked from Japan Nakau Ei

Ghosts, demons, Yokai... This is the nightmarish collection of supernatural beings from Japanese folklore as portrayed in Ukiyo-e masterpieces! Japanese folklore is a goldmine...
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Ghosts, demons, Yokai... This is the nightmarish collection of supernatural beings from Japanese folklore as portrayed in Ukiyo-e masterpieces! Japanese folklore is a goldmine...

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Ghosts, demons, Yokai... This is the nightmarish collection of supernatural beings from Japanese folklore as portrayed in Ukiyo-e masterpieces! Japanese folklore is a goldmine of terrifying supernatural Yokai monsters, demons, phantoms. A large number of Ukiyo-e woodblock printings created in Edo period (1603-1868) depict these monstrous beings in the illustrations of popular folk tales and horror stories. This book contains 70 Yurei (ghosts), Oni (demons), Kaijin (sorcerers) and Yokai (supernatural monsters) with a basic introduction to each creatureżs story in J/E bilingual text. These phantoms and monsters are described vividly in 120 Ukiyo-e art pieces, all created by great masters such as Hokusai, Hiroshige, Kuniyoshi and so on, giving readers a clear and terrifying image of what such supernatural figures might look like. These images have been passed down through the years, and many art genres in Japan today, including manga and games, are heavily influenced by them. This is the best reference book for Japanese art lovers, folk culture lovers, as well as Japanese pop-culture lovers. It also offers fresh ideas for those searching for new inspirations for tattoo art and design.

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Do 3 dnů • 1 variantaDárek53 Kč92 % • 6 358 recenzíDalší informace

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