A Revolutionary - ChiRunning D. Dreyer, K. Dreyer

Danny Dreyer, an esteemed running coach and a nationally ranked ultra-marathon runner, has over thirty years of running experience and is a student of internationally renowned...
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A Revolutionary - ChiRunning D. Dreyer, K. Dreyer
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Danny Dreyer, an esteemed running coach and a nationally ranked ultra-marathon runner, has over thirty years of running experience and is a student of internationally renowned...

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Danny Dreyer, an esteemed running coach and a nationally ranked ultra-marathon runner, has over thirty years of running experience and is a student of internationally renowned t'ai chi master George Xu. He has been published in "Runner's World" and "Running Times, " and is the author of his own monthly ChiRunning newsletter. He lives in the Bay Area and has taught the ChiRunning method to thousands of people with profound results.

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